Saturday, December 1, 2012

We've all heard the warnings and we've ignored them. We push our luck. We roll the dice.
We play with fire. It's human nature. When we're told not to touch something, we usually
do, even if we know better. Maybe, because deep down,
we're just asking for trouble.

Have you ever done something that you know is bad for you, but you just can't resist?


  1. Well I'm notorious for being the person who touches the plate at restaurants right after the waitress says, watch out, it's hot. It's usually a lie, they're just lukewarm. But on a more serious note, I dated someone for a long time that I knew wasn't the best for me, but couldn't help staying with.

  2. All the time--like today I went to the mall with my friend instead of doing all the work that's due. Also rode on a carousel while I was there. But, honestly, I have a soft spot for someone who always asks me for my help (like helping him move, always a shoulder to lean on, etc.) while he treats me very poorly. It's a vicious cycle, but, like you said, I can't help it.

  3. Absolutely. Especially when it comes to relationships,including friendships. I think I trust to easily when it comes to people because I always try and find the good in everyone and end up just getting hurt, used, or seeing the light too little too late.
